Note that references below from the UK, Ireland or the American-based “Welsh” system contain some differences that do not apply to the EAS honey show entry classes or judging criteria. For example, in the UK different size and type of jars may be required, round beeswax “cakes” are entered more often than beeswax “blocks”, creamed honey is referred to as “set honey”, and quantitative scoring is generally not used.
Beeswax Blocks and Candles
- Beeswax, A Popular Show Entry – by Ann Harman
- Beeswax for Show by Redmond Williams (Ireland)
- Beeswax production, harvesting, processing and products by Coggshall & Morse
- Beeswax Crafting by Robert Berthold Jr.
- Beeswax Block (with Virginia Webb)
- Beeswax Candles (with Virginia Webb)
- Beeswax Candles (with Bob Binne)
- Dipped Candles (with Sue Carter and Bill Fisher, UK)
- Molded Candles (with Sue Carter, UK)
Chunk and Comb Honey
- Honey in the Comb – A true Delicacy by Ann Harman
- Comb Honey Production by Roger Morse
- Honey in the Comb by Eugene Killion
- Comb Honey (with Mike Palmer)
- Chunk Honey (with Virginia Webb)
Creamed Honey
- Smooth and Creamy – Creamed Honey by Ann Harman
Extracted Honey
- What Does this Mean? Judging Criteria for liquid honey by Ann Harman
- Preparing Liquid Honey for Competition and Sale by North Carolina State University
- Showing Honey at Fairs by E.C. Martin, Beekeeping in the United States, Agriculture Handbook No. 335
- Preparing strained Honey (with Virginia Webb)
- The Complete Mead Maker: Home Production of Honey Wine from Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations by Ken Schramm
- a comprehensive list of resources about mead, judging mead, and making mead
- Bee Photography by Zach Huang
General References (multiple entry classes and judging criteria)
- Judging Apiary Products by Dr. Fred Baxendale
- Judging Honey and Standards by Malcolm Stanford
- Honey and Beeswax Competitions by Ann Harman
- Downloadable pamphlets for purchase from The National Honey Show (UK)
- Honey Preparation for Market and Shows by Peter Reilly (Ireland)
- Honey Show Preparation (Northern Buckinghamshire, UK)
- Preparing for the Honey Show by Peter Mathews (UK)
- Honey Shows: Guidelines for exhibitors, superintendents and judges by Roger and Mary Lou Morse
- A Handbook for Honey Judges and Beekeepers Exhibiting Products by James Thompson
- A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing Exhibits for a Honey Show by David Shannon and John Phipps (UK)
- Preparing for a Honey Show (with Jennifer Holmes)
- Judging a Honey Show (with Tim Schuler)
Honey Shows
- Honey Shows by Ann Harman
- What is a Honey Show by Ann Harman
- Planning a Honey Show by Ann Harman